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National Wildlife Week

From Monday, Mar 14 through Friday Mar 19 the National Wildlife Foundation is celebrating National Wildlife Week. The theme this year is “The Wildlife That Moves Us”. What is that for you?

For me it’s birds. I remember, as a child, having a copy of The Little Giant Golden Book of Birds […]

World Wetlands Day 2011

February 2nd is always World Wetlands Day. It was Wednesday of last week.

Wetlands hold a special place in my heart. My first introduction to a wetland came when I was in 5th grade. I had just moved, that fall, from Arizona to a small town north of Boston. In the spring my 5th grade […]

Free Play VS Purpose

Image by Arvind Balaraman from FreePhoto.com

We are a purpose driven society. This is a good thing. It has led to improved medicine, communications, better health, more comfort to more people, and, I think, improved well being. Being purpose driven is what leads us to give to others even when […]

out in the elements

Image by: Simon Howden; FreePhoto.com

Those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are, of course, in the midst of winter (you southern hemisphere folk will have to wait till July). What winter looks like varies greatly from latitude to latitude. What winter usually does usually have as a common […]

14 Christmas Gifts for the Budding Naturalist

FreePhoto.com Image by Simon Howden

Shopping for the nature lover is easy. Gifts to help the nature lover, especially a budding one, can be simple and inexpensive. Gifts like these don’t usually require batteries or cables. The object of the game is to keep is simple. This is about connecting […]

Decorating for the holidays, birdy style

Jay in Snow FreePhoto.com Image by Dr. Joseph Valks

It is the holiday season. A time for decorations and festive foods. In most parts of the the northern hemisphere it is also a time for the food supplies to be buried if you are a bird or an animal. While […]

Doing science part 3: creating curious teens.

FreePhoto.com image by Dynamite Imagery

Teenagers are a jaded lot. They know everything and nothing. They are social creatures, and their primary focus is building raport with peers while learning how to separate from adults and do their own thing. It isn’t that they aren’t interested in anything. It’s […]

Doing science

FreePhoto.com image by: graur razvan ionut

I have said this before, we live in an over structured world, here in the upscale western world. This lesson has been brought home to me in a personal way lately via my classroom. At the start of the year and in […]

For halloween, take a bat walk…

FreeDigitalPhots.com image by Simon Howden

Halloween is coming in a couple of weeks and the Moon is waxing to full by next Sunday. This a great time to get out in the evening, in the cool fall air, and look for those animals that come out in the night. One of my favorite […]

3 Fall art projects

I focus a lot on siency things on this blog because quite frankly, that’s my background. Before I was involved with the science of things, I was more interested in art. Not to the point of studying; I just like puttering with it. I find it relaxing.

Nature is an artist’s paradise. […]